• June



    Fired from Your Job? What You Need to Know

    Things to Consider if You Are Terminated   By Sania Chaudhry  This blog post only applies to non-unionized workers and those who work under provincial regulation. If you are in a union or work under federal regulations, then different rules apply to you. As the below is not specific to your case, this does not constitute legal advice. Please

    • June



    Constructive Dismissal -What you Need to Know

    Constructive Dismissal: What to do if you have been forced out of your job?  By Sania Chaudhry  This blog post only applies to non-unionized workers and those who work under provincial regulation. If you are in a union or work under federal regulations, then different rules apply to you. As the below is not specific to your

    • June



    Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications -in the Age of COVID-19

    I predict that there will be an increase to the number of Humanitarian and Compassionate applications (for Permanent Residence) as a result of COVID-19. The pandemic is wreaking havoc with the plans made by many foreign nationals living in Canada hoping to make this country home. Many will lose their status and many will lose

    • June



    The Procedural Fairness Letter

    The lawyers at this office are often called upon to respond to Procedural Fairness Letters -letters sent by Officers after there is a concern regarding the completeness/truthfulness/inadmissibility. As with many things in life, prevention is the best medicine. Applications should be complete and potential concerns should be dealt with (if possible) in advance. Applicants should

    • May




    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.”    Walter Scott, Marmion  Dealing with the allegation(s) of misrepresentation is a difficult task. In many ways, dealing with misrepresentation is harder than dealing with criminality. The consequences for a finding of misrepresentation are harsh -a 5 year ban on future applications to enter Canada and removal for

    • May



    COVID and Canadian Immigration Policy

    COVID (and our response to the pandemic) has changed our lives and the assumptions we made in the course of our lives. I think it’s essentially impossible to know the medium term impact on immigration. There is of course plenty of prognostication and prediction: But as the nation’s economy plunges into recession, millions are being cast

    • October



    Refugee Claims and Exclusion from the Convention

    Exclusion Clauses – Article 1(E)   Certain individuals are excluded from the grant of protection. These are the exclusion provisions; some don’t need Canada’s protection, and some don’t deserve Canada’s protection (Articles 1F..)   In the case of the former: in order to be excluded from the Convention -a claimant’s status in another country must

    • September



    Hope for those Excluded from Sponsoring Family Members under s.117(9)(d)

    We have written on the harsh consequences of omitting family members when an applicant immigrates to Canada. They are then precluded from sponsoring those family members in the future. The only recourse used to be a humanitarian and compassionate application -a remedy that was completely at the discretion of a visa officer. There is now

    • September



    Options for Farm and Agricultural Workers

    The Agri-Food Immigration Class pilot is starting in early 2020. Focus on attracting butchers, food processing labourers, harvesters for mushrooms ad greenhouse crops, farm workers for mushrooms, greenhouse crops, livestock raising, and livestock workers. Max number of applications to be processed under this class is 2,750. Eligibility: During the 3 years preceding their PR application,

    • May



    May 9, 2019 Interview on the Danielle Smith Show -the Growing Refugee Backlog and the Auditor General Report

    Danielle Smith:                  …you probably saw that the press conference, a couple of days ago from the Auditor-General talking about the myriad problems that we have at the federal level, but this is one that we have known about because my guest has been raising the alarm about this ever since at the crisis of people

    • March



    The Exploitation of Temporary Foreign Workers -Interview on CBC Edmonton March 8, 2019

      Tara McCarthy:                 A foreign worker from Edmonton is now in hiding. She says the owner of an Edmonton restaurant that sponsored her work visa tried to extort her for sex. If she didn’t comply, he threatened to withdraw her immigration application. The woman who can’t be named, due to a publication ban, was sponsored

    • March



    What’s Next for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program? Albertaprime Time Interview on Jason Kenney and the #UCP Immigration Plan for Alberta March 1, 2019

    Michael Higgins:     An immigration plan to help reverse shrinking populations in rural Alberta. Jason Kenney’s Alberta Advantage Immigration Strategy would speed up processing and end large backlogs with an aim of bringing 10,000 newcomers to rural Alberta communities, giving priority to committed entrepreneurs …   Jason Kenney:         … who take big risks to turn a

    • February



    Interview on the Jon McComb Show – February 5, 2019 – Immigration Consequences for Jaskirat Singh Sidhu Guilty Plea

    Paul Jefferson:                  “Yes, we helped [inaudible 00:00:03] but at the same time he’s a human being who … he’s not a serial killer. He didn’t go out and kill anybody that day.” Jon McComb:                    The thoughts of Paul Jefferson. He is a billet parent for the Humboldt Broncos. Speaking about Jaskirat Singh Sidhu at a

    • January



    Interview discussing Rahaf Al-Qunun with Ryan Jespersen AM 630 CHED January 14, 2019

    Ryan Jespersen:               … in just a moment. Wanted to bring you this. Of course, you know the story by now if you’ve been paying attention to the news cycle. Canada granting asylum to a Saudi woman that says essentially that her future involved death. It says she said that she was going to be killed;

    • October



    September 12, 2018 -Interview with Rob Breakenridge -The Surge in Border Crossings at Canada’s Border

    R Breakenridge: The asylum seekers debate isn’t going away anytime soon. But more to it, I mean the problem itself isn’t going away anytime soon. Reasonable people can disagree on how big a problem it is or whether it warrants the term crisis, but it’s clearly a situation that we’re not prepared to deal that,

    • October



    September 4, 2018 -The National on CBC – Canada’s Border and the Migrant Issue -Discussion with Adrienne Arsenault

    Adrienne Arsenault: War and persecution and poverty have put this planet on the move. As physically removed as Canada may be from some of that, this country cannot escape the reality of people trying to find refuge here. But who’s coming, how they’re being treated, is the sort of subject that sometimes draws far more

    • October



    September 4, 2018 -The National -CBC Interview -Challenge or Crisis at the Border?

    Adrienne A.: No, we won’t be here that long, I promise you. You get a little bit of a break. Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:00:06] Adrienne A.: Yes it’s on right now. Speaker 2: We’re live. Adrienne A.: Excellent. Thanks, everybody, for stepping up and joining us. Maybe it’s Periscope, maybe it’s Facebook, maybe it’s YouTube.

    • October



    August 21, 2018 -Interview on the Danielle Smith Show -The End of the Lottery System for Parental Sponsorships

    Danielle Smith: The bad and the ugly today. We are going to start off with [inaudible 00:00:02]. I think one of the things that we forget, especially with all the turmoil that the liberals have created around the issue of illegal migrants, irregular migrants, family reunification, refugees, fast-track program, that we actually have a pretty

    • October



    August 7, 2018 -Interview on The Ryan Jespersen Show -The State of Canada-Saudi Arabia Relations (Such as They Are)

    Let’s turn our attention to matters of international news. You heard over the weekend the kingdom of Saudi Arabia expelling Canada’s ambassador and diplomats to that country and pulling back what turns out to be more than 15,000 students, Saudi students that are attending universities and colleges here in Canada, many of them benefiting from

    • October



    June 30, 2018 -Interview on Global News Calgary -How US Immigration Policy Impacts Canada

        Bindu Suri: The debate over immigration policies in the US has some north of the border questioning if Canada is doing enough to address our own immigration concerns. Raj Sharma, an immigration lawyer here in Calgary, has been following this issue very closely, he joins us this morning. Thanks for coming in. Raj

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